The Works of
Peyton Higgison

The Works of
Peyton Higgison
Due to a house fire I am no longer able to process any orders.
Welcome to my Web Site. This site is dedicated to showing some of my paintings and drawings. My more recent works have been about wild women, dogs, cats and a contemplative place on the far side of the world. The Wild Women series explored the whimsical world of the the wild woman inside
along with contented and curious dogs and cats. My Far Side of the World
series however is meant to convey a more thoughtful, serene atmosphere with vast sky's and lonely trees and houses.
Technically my works are more drawing than painting being primarily created using oil pastels. I finish the works with a thin layer of oil paint using my own developed technique. Not only does this bring out many of the hidden colors and textures but it also helps to protect the works as oil pastels are fairly delicate. All the finished works are also varnished using a very fine UV protection spray varnish. The result is a stable hard surface. (However the works are still oil and as they do not have a glass covering should still be handled carefully.)
In December of 2021 our home of 38 years burned to the ground. With it went pretty much all we owned including a number of my favorite paintings, my grand piano and all my art printers. We were not hurt although we lost our two beautiful, much loved cats. On the plus side, we were totally covered by insurance and had a builder friend of ours renovate our barn (my studios) and turn it into a really lovely living space. Our plan is to continue to renovate the barn and put on an addition. It's a long process. In the meantime I have no studio in which to work (it's now a kitchen and bathroom) so I am effectively out of work. Needless to say, this was a life changing event and I have retired from the art show business. I've been doing shows since 1976 so it was time... I still have my teaching job at LLBean which I love and have purchased a digital piano and a beautiful bass (I lost all my guitars in the fire) so I'm keeping busy. Please check out my music on my YouTube channel.
I do plan on getting back to painting, most likely my more abstract work, but it may be a while. But here is a big "thank you !" to all of you for all of your support over the years. I have literally sold thousands of paintings and prints and I like to think I may have made a little bit of a difference in the world. I will keep this web site alive and please feel free to contact me. Thank you. -PeytonAwards
Since 1976, Peyton has earned over 100 awards in private, regional and state competitions.
Best in Show
- Boston Mills, OH (2013 Award of Excellence)
Allentown Art Exhibit, Buffalo, NY (1989, 87) - Roslyn Art Show, Roslyn, NY (1979)
- Old Saybrook, CT (1983)
- Greenhut Galleries, Portland, ME (1981)
First Place
- Brunswick Art Show, Brunswick, ME (2011)
- Glastonbury, 1999
- Sono, 1999
- Armonk Festival Of the Arts, Armonk, NY (1982)
- Allentown Art Exhibit, Buffalo, NY (1986, 92)
- Gallery North Gallery, N. Setauket, NY (1984)
- Hinsdale Art Show, Hinsdale , IL (1995)
- Mystic Art Show, Mystic, CT (1996, 93, 89, 86, 85, 84)
- Narragansett Exhibit, Narragansett, RI (1991,83,80)
- Ogunquit, ME (1993,92,91)
- Ocean City, NJ (1984,83)
- Stone Harbor Show, NJ (1984)
- Westhampton Beach, Westhampton Beach, NY (1993,92,91,90)
- SONO, (1996)
Second Place
- Allentown, 1999
- Armonk Festival Of the Arts, Armonk, NY (1990,86,84,83)
- Allentown Art Exhibit, Buffalo, NY (1994,90,86,85,80,97)
- Bruce Museum, Greenwich, CT (1985)
- Gallery North Gallery, N. Setauket, NY (1985)
- Glastonbury Art Show, Glastonbury, CT (1987,84,97)
- Mystic Art Show, Mystic, CT (1987)
- Narragansett Exhibit, Narragansett, RI (1981)
- Stone Harbor, Show NJ (1983)
- Westhampton Beach Exhibit, Westhampton Beach, NY (1994)
Third Place
- Armonk, 1999
- Allentown Art Exhibit, Buffalo, NY (2012, 1995,83)
- Glastonbury Art Show, Glastonbury, CT (1983)
- Mystic Art Show, Mystic, CT (1994)
- Armonk, NY (97)
Other Awards
- Atlanta Festival Of The Arts, Atlanta, GA Award Of Merit (1991)
- Gallery North Gallery, N. Setauket, NY Popular Prize (1982), Jurors Award (1990)
- Maine College Of Art Alumni Show, Portland, ME Jurors Award (1984)
- Mystic Art Show, Mystic, CT Roland Duften Award (1991)
- Naperville Art Show, Naperville, IL Purchase Award (1993)
- Ocean City, NJ Ocean City Kiwanis Club Award (1986)
- Portland Outdoor Art Show, Portland, ME Purchase Award (1995, 93,92,91,90)
- Silvermine, New Canaan, CT North American Corporation Award (1983)
- Virginia Beach, VA Award Of Excellence (1980)
- Virginia Beach, VA Second Place (1983,80)
- Washington Square Art Show, NY, NY Members Award (1989)
- Washington Sq. Janet Sumner Award (1988,87) Ballin Award (1985)
- Washington Sq. B. Anne Nevill Award (1985)
- Art Gallery of Southern Connecticut State College
- BKR Housing Association, Melville, NY
- Coffee By Design, Portland, ME
- City Bank, Portland, ME
- City Place, Hartford, CT
- E&W Development, Hialeah, FL
- Enviroser V, Inc, Pawtucket, RI
- Farnsworth Museum, Rockland, ME
- First National Bank, Portland, ME
- General Electric Glendinning Associates, Westport, CT
- Hashimoto/Platz Design, Japan
- HI-Sence Co. Ltd., Osaka, Japan
- Java Joes, Portland, ME
- Kashiyama Inc., Japan
- Liberty Group, Portland, ME
- Maine Savings Bank, Portland, ME
- Orbis Publishing Limited, London, Eng.
- Peoples Heritage Bank, Portland, ME
- Portland Museum of Art, Portland, ME
- PSMP Inc., Biddeford, ME
- SCR Design Organization, NYC, NY
- Stainless Steel Brakes Corporation, Warwick, RI
- Stamford Hospital, Stamford, CT Systematics Ink., Lewiston, ME
- Tangible Investments of America Inc., Philadelphia, PA
- The Ekman Corporation, Warwick, RI
- Time-Life, NYC
- UNUM, Portland, ME